Linehaul Console - Management of Loading Receptacles within Linehaul Network
v20.16, JF-1920, JF-1922, JF-1926
These tasks introduce the ability to manage any Loading Receptacles via the creation of a Trailer Load which can be added to a Manifest regardless of the Linehaul Configuration. Examples of Loading Receptacles include Loading Cages, DG Segregation Boxes, Stillages and Pipe Bolsters/Racks. The functionality allows for the Loading Receptacle Asset to be tracked through the Linehaul Network in the same way Company Fleet Trailer Assets are.
Creating the Load Receptacle Asset
JAIX Accounts > Assets > Fleet > Co. Fleet > Operations > New
New Company Fleet Assets must be created for the Loading Receptacles. All Co. Fleet detail fields can be utilised if desired, however, only Co. Fleet ID and Type are mandatory. Type = Load Receptacle must be selected.
Creating the Linehaul Code
JAIX Freight > Tools > Setup > System Setup > Fleet Setup – Linehaul Rates > Linehaul Codes > Add
Create a new Linehaul Code with a meaningful Code and description which clearly identifies it as the Loading Receptacle Linehaul Code.
Trailer Configuration = None (Bypass Validation) must be selected.
Creating the Linehaul Lane
JAIX Freight > Tools > Setup > System Setup > Fleet Setup – Linehaul Rates > Linehaul Table > Add
- Create a new Linehaul Lane to ensure that the Loading Receptacle Linehaul Code is available for use in all Lane combinations
- Select ALL for both the From and To Zone, select the new Load Receptacle Linehaul Code and Save
- Kilometres, Trip Time and Rates are not required
Create a Load Receptacle Trailer Load
JAIX Freight > Distribution > Trailer Loads > Add | Edit | View
JAIX Freight > Distribution > Linehaul > Load Planning
Create a Trailer Load using one of the standard methods, using the new 'Load Receptacle' Linehaul Code.
- Add Consignments to the Load Receptacle Trailer Load
- Select whether the Consignments are Direct Del. or Depot Drop
Moving Load Receptacle through Linehaul Network using Linehaul Console
JAIX Freight > Distribution > Linehaul > Console
- Allocate a Load Receptacle Asset to the Trailer Load
- Allocate Driver and Vehicle Resources to the actual Trailer Load the Loading Receptacle will be loaded on which will prompt the user to create a Manifest
- Drag and Drop Cage Trailer Load into the actual Trailer Load the Loading Receptacle has been loaded on to link them together
- Confirm and Depart Manifest
- Arrive Manifest in Receiving Location
If the Loading Receptacle Consignments are marked for Direct Delivery or Drop Trailer, Consignments will move to Delivered (Departed Receiver 56) status and be complete. If they are marked for Depot Delivery, Consignments will appear in the Allocations Screen for Local Allocation.
The Load Receptacle Asset will now show that it is located within the Receiver’s/Receiving Depot’s location and will be available for allocation on the next journey