JAIX PORTAL - Freight - Standard Training Reference
This document describes the use and features of the Jaix Online Portal for Customer (Debtor) use and for administrators to gain an understanding about the tools available to their Customers. It assumes the Customer’s user has knowledge of standard internet browsers and their operation.
Portal allows the manual entry of Pickups, Consignments, and Quotes by Debtors. For an automated method of accepting Consignments through data exchange – see other documents regarding Jaix EDI.
The Jaix Portal is very configurable. Features can be enabled or disabled at a Global, Debtor or user level. This document includes sections that may or may not be applicable depending on configuration. When using this document to create user documentation for Customers, the parts not required can be removed.
Portal can allow Customer’s access to Freight and Warehousing features, this document is regarding Freight features only. See also the companion Online Portal - WMS - Customer Use document.
If access to both Freight and Warehousing is granted, the home page of Portal will reflect this. Additionally the Home menu will allow the user to switch between Freight and Warehousing.
Freight Menu
The Freight Menu contains a number of Tiles and a Ribbon Menu which link the user to the features and functionality of the Jaix Online Portal. Where an Online User does not have access to a function, the Tile and Menu option will not be visible.

Settings Menu
Configuration and help available to Portal users.
User Defaults
To avoid entering commonly used options, several default settings can be set to appear on creation of a new Consignment or etc.
- Service – Choice of freight Service available to this Customer
- Sender – If Pickups are often from the same Sender’s address, select that here.
- Receiver – If deliveries are often to the same Receiver’s address, select that here.
Tip: the two options above require the user to start typing the name of the Sender or Receiver, otherwise no options will be displayed in the drop down menu.
- Charge To – If an option of “Charge To” is available (aka Allowable Debtors) select the most commonly used one here.
- Unit – Select the most commonly used unit here.
- CN Format – If a selection of connote forms are available, the most commonly used one can be set here.
- Label Format – If a selection of Consignment label forms are available, the most commonly used one can be set here.
- Close Time – A time set here will automatically populate the Close Time field on Pickups.
Miscellaneous settings which influence certain behaviour within the Portal.
- Enter Freight Dimensions In – Select either Centimetres or Metres as the preferred unit of measure.
Manage Products
To make the entry of frequently sent items more efficient, the attributes of these items can be maintained in a list of “Products” which can be selected in Consignments. When these are entered, the attributes Weight and Dimensions are populated. The list is unique per customer.
Once any Products have been added they will appear in the Product List drop down menu.
To add a new Product, press the Add button, enter its name in the Product Description and its attributes in the Weight and Dimensions fields, then press the Save button.
To edit an existing Product, select it from the Product List, press the Amend button, edit its description and attributes as needed and press the Save button. Cancel will abandon the changes made.
To delete an existing Product, select it from the Product List, press the Delete button and confirm.
Manage Frequently Used Addresses
To make the entry of commonly used addresses more efficient, these can be added, edited or deleted via this page. They can also be added by selecting “Save in Frequent Sender / Receiver / Both list” while entering a Consignment.
Any address in this page can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon next to the address.
An address can be copied from being a Sender or Receiver only to being both by ticking one or more records and clicking the directional arrows between the two lists.
Addresses can removed by ticking one or more records and clicking the Delete button.
If enabled, this will open a webpage configured in Jaix Admin > Tools > System Setup > Online > Online Settings > Help Area URL
Tracking and Reporting Menus
Track & Trace
Tracking of individual Pickups, Consignments, Quotes and Trailer Loads is possible via Portal.
The user will be presented with a number of Track & Trace Options depending on user’s configuration.
The search filters are similar for each record type. In this case, Consignments search will be presented.
If the Consignment number is known, this can be entered directly into the “Consignment No” field and the View button pressed to view the Consignment’s details.
Otherwise a search can be conducted for Consignments, Pickups, Quotes and trailer loads. To begin, select what is being searched for by clicking on the buttons to the right.
Enter at least a ‘from’ and a ‘to’ date, then any other identifying features that may narrow the search, and press the Search button.
If the search is successful, a list of found items will be displayed.
Clicking on an item’s link will open that item, otherwise ticking the box next to the item(s) allows an operation to be performed on one or more items from the buttons under the list. Eg several Consignments can be selected and labels printed for all.
Within the Consignment, a timeline can be viewed to track its progress. The truck image will move as the Consignment progresses through status events.
Activity Reports
An activity report can be produced from Portal to see an overview of active or cancelled Consignments.
Enter at least a ‘from’ and a ‘to’ date, then any other filters to narrow the search, and select whether search is for Active or Cancelled records. Press the Search button to commence search.
If the search is successful, a list of found Consignments will be displayed within the Grid.
Clicking on a Consignment’s link will open that Consignment, otherwise ticking the box next to the Consignment(s) allows an operation to be performed on one or more from the buttons under the list. Eg several Consignments can be selected and Consignment Notes/Labels printed for all.
Like in the Jaix Desktop applications, the Grid can be modified to suit the user’s needs. Click on the header of a Column to set sorting priorities, clicking and dragging the column header away from the Grid will remove it, and clicking ‘Show Customisation Window’ will open a column chooser where the user can drag and drop additional columns into the Grid.
The Activity Report can be exported into Excel by clicking the ‘Export to XLS’ button. A new Excel spreadsheet will open with data populated. The Activity Report can also be printed to PDF by clicking the ‘Print Result’ button. Depending on browser settings, either a new browser tab will open or the PDF will appear in the downloads banner along the bottom of the browser.
View Invoices
Invoices and Statements can be listed and viewed via Portal.
If the invoice number is known, it can be entered into the Search Invoice field and the View button pressed. Otherwise a list of recent invoices and statements is displayed for selection. Clicking on the link of one will open a PDF of the Invoice/Statement for previewing and printing.
Quotes Menu
Quotes allows Customers to find the price of a Consignment without having to create a Consignment. Two kinds of Quotes are available Quick Quote or (full) Quote.
A Quick Quote only requires minimal details to be entered while full Quote needs as many details to be entered as a Consignment. A Quick Quote ends with showing the price, while a full Quote can go on to create a Consignment with the same details.
Quick Quote/Price Enquiry
A Quick Quote only needs minimal details to show a price.
Select the Charge To, From and To suburbs and Service desired.
Add one or more Detail Lines with Units, Quantity, Weights and Dimensions as required.
Once all details have been entered, clicking the Show Price button will pop up a window with the Rated Price and any additional charges and GST involved.
Create Quote
A full Quote needs as much detail as a Consignment to show a price.
Fill in the main details, Sender and Receiver’s details, and one or more Detail Lines as required.
Once the required details are entered, the Show Price button can be pressed to show the Quoted price.
If needed the Quote can be saved by pressing the Save button.
Approve Quote
If Quotes have been saved, it is then possible to approve those Quotes, which creates actual Consignments with the same details.
Opening the Approve Quote page will show a list of saved Quotes. Quotes can be edited or deleted from here.
To approve one or more Quotes and create Consignments, tick the box next to the Quotes to be approved and press the Approve button under the list. If successful a list of the Consignments and Pickups will be displayed. The links in the list will open the created Consignments for review.
Create Pickup Menu
Create Pickup
Use this page to create a Pickup. See Operations sections below for when this page should be used.
Pickup No. –This will be assigned when the Pickup is saved / or if Portal is configured to accept custom numbers, enter a unique Pickup number here.
Ready Date/ Time – Enter the date and time the Pickup will be ready for collection. Either by typing a date directly or using the drop down calendar menu. A time can be entered or ‘Ready Now’ selected. A closing time can also be nominated. This defaults to 5pm.
Charge To – If configured, a choice of who to charge this Pickup to can be made here.
Service – A choice of Services might be offered here, choose the appropriate one.
Sender and Receiver details – If configured (see Manage Frequently Used Addresses above) stored addresses can be selected from the drop down menu, otherwise they can be entered manually.
With the suburb fields, start typing the name of the suburb and options will appear for selection.
A new address can be saved into the frequently used addresses by ticking the ‘Save in Frequent Sender List’, ‘Save In Frequent Receiver List’ or ‘Save to Both’ tick boxes.
At this point a message like below may be displayed to warn of approaching closing times (will only show if Local Zones are configured in Freight).
“Your Pickup Zone closes today at 07:00 PM and Latest Pickup is by 07:00 PM”
Site Information – Any details regarding the Sender or Receiver’s site can be entered here. This is regarding the premises the drivers will visit and will be stored with the address is saved.
Pickup / Delivery Instructions – Any instructions regarding the Pickup or delivery Consignment can be entered here. This is stored against only this Pickup/Consignment, not saved with the Sender or Receiver’s address.
Sender / Receiver Reference – This can be an order number, or similar third party reference.
Agent – If configured, select the Agent who the freight products are being held against.
Job Instructions – These are the instructions for the Pickup/Consignment in general and are held against the Pickup/Consignment itself.
Consignment details – Press the Add button to enter one or more Detail Lines for each load of the Consignment. Depending on the Service and rate agreement this may be a combination of units, Weights, Dimensions/Cubic, Quantity and etc. Pallet spaces, UN Numbers for Dangerous Goods and default products may also be required on the Detail Line.
Once the details are entered pressing enter through to the end of the line or pressing Update will add the Detail Line. Press Cancel to discard what is entered.
An added line can be removed by clicking the Delete button at the right of the line.
Contains Food – If configured, tick to flag the Consignment as perishable. If selected, DG function will be disabled
Delivery Details – A Delivery Required Date and time can be entered. If this is not possible according to the Carrier’s schedules a warning will appear when the Pickup is saved. If this happens the date may need to be pushed further into the future to take into account transit times. If a time is not applicable the tick box can be ticked so only the date is recorded.
Tick the ‘Timeslot is pre-booked’ tick box to open further field to enter a timeslot window if this has been arranged.
Pallet/Cubic Spaces & Docket No. – If required enter the number of pallets here along with the pallet management docket number.
Additional References – A number of additional references can be added. Enter the text in the ‘Enter’ filed and click add. These will be added to the table to the right. Each added reference can be removed with Delete or edited as needed.
Attachments – Files can be attached to the Pickup/Consignment. Eg PDF cans of documentation, photos etc.
Click the Browse button to select a file from your local computer.
Click the Add button to add another file for upload.
Click the remove button to remove a file for upload.
Note that these files won’t be attached to the Pickup/Consignment until the ‘Upload’ button is clicked.
Also note that the files won’t be attached until the Pickup is saved.
Once the files are uploaded they will appear in the table to the right. Clicking on a files name will open that file from the page to verify it is correct, clicking the Delete button next to the attachment will remove it.
Notification Recipients – if contacts have been added in Jaix Accounts > Debtor > Locations and Contacts with the Email Option ‘Pickup Advice’, they will appear in this list. These can be selected to receive Pickup advice emails.
Dangerous Goods Declaration – If configured this needs to be answered.
Terms and Conditions acceptance – If configured this needs to be accepted. The T&C can be read by clicking on the link on the word ‘here’.
Show Price – Click this button to get a Quick Quote of the Consignment before saving. Note if there does not exist a rate agreement for the journey this may not show a rate. In this case contact the Carrier.
Save – Submit this Pickup to the Carrier.
Back – Abandon entering the Pickup.
Consignment Menu
Create Consignment
Use this page to create a Consignment. See Operations section below for when this page should be used.
Carrier – Select the preferred Carrier from the drop down menu.
Consignment No. –This will be assigned when the Consignment is saved / or if Portal is configured to accept custom numbers, enter a unique Consignment number here.
Despatch date – Enter the future date for despatch. Either by typing a date directly or using the drop down calendar menu.
Charge To – If configured, a choice of who to charge this Consignment to can be made here.
Service – A choice of Services might be offered here, choose the appropriate one.
Sender and Receiver details – If configured (see Manage Frequently Used Addresses above) stored addresses can be selected from the drop down menu, otherwise they can be entered manually.
With the suburb fields, start typing the name of the suburb and options will appear for selection.
A new address can be saved into the frequently used addresses by ticking the ‘Save in Frequent Sender List’, ‘Save In Frequent Receiver List’ or ‘Save to Both’ tick boxes.
Drop Into Depot and Pickup From Depot – The green arrows next to the Sender and Receiver arrows, if selected, will remove the Pickup or delivery legs of a Consignment. When selected these turn grey. Use these if the Sender will drop the Consignment directly to the sending depot, or if the Receiver will collect the Consignment directly from the receiving depot. No Pickup or Delivery job will be created.
Site Information – Any details regarding the Sender or Receiver’s site can be entered here. This is regarding the premises the drivers will visit and will be stored with the address is saved.
Pickup / Delivery Instructions – Any instructions regarding the Pickup or delivery Consignment can be entered here. This is stored against only this Consignment, not saved with the Sender/Receiver’s record.
Sender / Receiver Reference – This can be an order number, or similar third party reference.
Agent – If configured, select the Agent who the freight products are being held against.
Job Instructions – These are the instructions for the Consignment in general and are held against the Consignment itself.
Consignment Details – Press the Add button to enter one or more Detail Lines for each load of the Consignment. Depending on the Service and rate agreement this may be a combination of units, Weights, Dimensions/Cubic, Quantity and etc. Pallet spaces, UN Numbers for Dangerous Goods and default products may also be required on the Detail Line.
Once the details are entered pressing enter through to the end of the line or pressing Update will add the Detail Line. Press Cancel to discard what is entered.
An added line can be removed by clicking the Delete button at the right of the line.
Contains Food – If configured, tick to flag the Consignment as perishable. If selected, DG function will be disabled
Delivery Details – A Delivery Required Date and time can be entered. If this is not possible according to the Carrier’s schedules a warning will appear when the Consignment is saved. If this happens the date may need to be pushed further into the future to take into account transit times. If a time is not applicable the tick box can be ticked so only the date is recorded. Will only apply if Transit Times are configured – Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Fleet Setup – Transit Times
Tick the ‘Timeslot is pre-booked’ tick box to open further field to enter a timeslot window if this has been arranged (refer screenshot in Pickup section of this document).
Pallet/Cubic Spaces & Docket No. – If required enter the number of pallets here along with the pallet management docket number.
Additional References – A number of additional references can be added. Enter the text in the ‘Enter’ filed and click add. These will be added to the table to the right. Each added reference can be removed with Delete or edited as needed.
Attachments – Files can be attached to the Consignment. Eg PDF scans of documentation, photos etc.
Click the Browse button to select a file from your local computer.
Click the Add button to add another file for upload.
Click the remove button to remove a file from upload.
Note that these files won’t be attached to the Consignment until the ‘Upload’ button is clicked.
Also note that the files won’t be attached until the Consignment is saved.
Once the files are uploaded they will appear in the table to the right. Clicking on a files name will open that file from the page to verify it is correct, clicking the Delete button next to the attachment removes it.
Dangerous Goods Declaration – If configured this needs to be answered.
Terms and Conditions acceptance – If configured this needs to be accepted. The T&C can be read by clicking on the link on the word ‘here’.
Show Price – Click this button to get a Quick Quote of the Consignment before saving. Note if there does not exist a rate agreement for the journey this may not show a rate. In this case contact the Carrier.
Save – Submit this Consignment to the Carrier. (If hold and release is enabled there is a further step – see Operations – Pickups & Consignments using Hold and Release below.)
Back – Abandon entering the Consignment.
Release Consignment
If Hold and Release is configured in Portal, this will show a list of currently held Consignments. From here it is possible to release Consignments for the Carrier’s action and optionally create Pickup(s) from them.
The tick boxes in the ‘Tick to Release’ and ‘Create Pickup’ can be selected to choose which Consignments to release. Once ticked the Release button can be clicked to release them. Additionally there are quick edit fields on the list to change Pickup Time, Ready Time and Close Time. If more details that that need to be edited then the pencil icon can be clicked to open the Consignment for editing.
Once selection is made and user has clicked release, a popup will provide the user with a print preview and printing options. It is recommended that a user print at least two copies – one that can be signed by the Pickup driver as a Proof of Pickup record and the other to be given to the driver for a Carrier record.
Refer to the Operational Processes section below for more information on the above.
The Manifests button will show a list of Pickup manifests containing the released Consignments and their Pickups. These can be viewed or printed as needed.
Operational Processes
Pickups & Consignments using Hold and Release
If multiple Consignments need to be created from the same Sender, these can be created and held. Later a single Pickup can be made for all the held Consignments.
Depending on how Portal is configured, these Pickups may be created one to one (an individual Pickup for each Consignment), or if they all have a common Sender Address they may all share a single Pickup.
Use the Consignment > Create Consignment page to create one or more Consignments.
Where a business does not utilise the Pickup feature, or where Pickups have been disabled for a Debtor (Customer) the user would create Consignments as per standard process and these will hold until the Hold & Release process has been completed.
Once these Consignments have all been created, open the Consignment > Release Consignment page.
In the list of created Consignments, select one or more Consignments to release by ticking their ‘Tick to Release’ tickboxes. Also select their ‘Create Pickup’ tickboxes if Pickups are required. Where Pickups are not utilised, the ‘Create Pickup’ box will be greyed out.
Pickups & Consignments without Hold and Release
If a Pickup and Consignment need to be created with a one to one relationship, start by creating the Pickup. Please note that if the Hold & Release function is not used, an Online Portal user will not be able to edit a Pickup/Consignment once created.
Where a business does not utilise the Pickup feature, or where Pickups have been disabled for a Debtor (Customer) the user would create Consignments as per standard process and these will release straight to the Carrier once the Consignment has been saved.