JAIX PORTAL- Configuration
This page describes the setup and configuration of the Online Portal for Debtor (Customer) use by administrators. It assumes knowledge of Jaix Admin, Jaix Freight, Jaix WMS, and their operation, Debtors (Customers) configuration in Freight, WMS, and Accounts.
Portal allows the manual entry of Consignments, Quotes, and Orders by Debtors. For an automated method of accepting Customer Orders and Consignments through data exchange – see other documents regarding Jaix EDI.
The Online Portal allows Debtors (Customers) to manually obtain Freight Quotes, create Pickups, Consignments, and Orders (WMS Picks), as well as track Consignments, produce reports, and manage other aspects of their business with their carrier.
This document will discuss setting up the Online Portal by administrators. For instructions on how to use the Customer (Debtor) facing Online Portal see the following documents:
- Portal – Freight – Customer Use
- Portal – WMS – Customer Use
Settings for the Portal are contained in three main areas:
- General settings for the entire business are in Jaix Admin > System Setup > Online.
- Settings for specific Debtors for the whole of their business are in Jaix Accounts, under each Debtor’s Settings – Online Settings.
- Each Debtor can have one or more Logins for their Users. Settings for specific Logins are in Jaix Accounts, under each Debtor’s Settings – User Logins.
General Online Configuration (Jaix Admin)
Jaix Admin > Tools > System Setup > Online
Global settings across all Portal Debtors / Customers and their users.
Select whether there is a global pool of Sender and Receiver addresses for all Portal users of if they can manage their own.
Customers use (Senders and Receivers)
- Global Sender/Receivers – When selected, each Portal user will have access to the Global Sender Receiver list. This means any currently active Sender Receiver that is not directly linked to a specific Debtor.
- Own Sender/Receivers (Frequent Addresses) – When selected, Portal users will only have access to any Imported or previously entered Sender Receiver details. Frequent Sender Receivers can be imported directly through Jaix Accounts against the Debtor record or through the use of an EDI Format and Profile.
Terms and Conditions
Whether to display terms and conditions text before completing a Quote, Pickup, or Consignment in Freight. Optionally a tick box can be displayed so the user must acknowledge the Terms & Conditions before continuing.
Show Terms and Conditions
Force Accept
Auto Numbering
Jaix has many options for how Consignment numbers are formatted. This setting dictates which rules are followed creating a new Consignment number. Eg. Separate sets of numbers can be set for Pickups and Consignments, or prefixes can be set for Debtors or Branches.
Next number and prefixes are set in Head Office - Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Branches under the selected Branch.
Customer then Branch Numbering (Online Settings)
This will prioritise the values from Jaix Accounts > Debtors > {DebtorName} > Online Settings > Freight
- CN Prefix
- CN Next Number
If nothing has been populated, Jaix will default back to the Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Branches > Online Settings
- Next Consignment Number
Customer then Branch Numbering (Consignment Settings)
This will prioritise the values from Jaix Accounts > Debtors > {DebtorName} > Online Settings > Freight
If nothing has been populated, Jaix will default back to Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Branches > Consignment Settings
Ignore Customer, use Branch Numbering (Online Settings) only
Jaix will only use the values from Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Branches > Online Settings
Ignore Customer, use Branch Numbering (Consignment Settings) only
Jaix will only use the values from Jaix Freight > Tools > System Setup > Branches > Consignment Settings
Other Settings
Miscellaneous global settings for Portal are located in Jaix Admin > Tools > System Setup > Online
Idle Session Expiry (Minutes)
If the user has not interacted with the Portal for the amount of minutes set, they will be automatically logged out.
Online Quotes Validity (Days)
The number of days that a Quoted price will be honoured.
Hide Delivery Details
Enable or disable the Delivery Details section on Consignments/Pickups to allow entry of delivery required date/time. When unticked, Delivery Details are displayed irrespective of what is selected at Debtor level (Jaix Accounts > Debtors > Debtor Search & Setup > (open a Debtor) > Online Settings > Show Delivery Details)
Hide Pallet Details
Enable or disable the Pallet Details section on Consignments regarding space required.
Enforce Local Zone Close Times
Enable or disable the ability to book a Consignment outside the Local Zone’s set ‘Close’ times.
Enforce Local Zone Last Ready At Times
Enable or disable the ability to book a Consignment outside the Local Zone’s set ‘Last Ready At’ times.
For further information see the documentation ‘Freight – Local Zones’
Also Send Notification to Receiving Branch
If set, the operations manager of the receiving Branch of a Consignment will also be notified by email.
This email address is set per Branch in Jaix Admin > System > Branch List > Branch Ops Manager Email(s)
Enforce Pallet/Cubic Spaces
Users must enter Pallet and Cubic Spaces if set.
Show Actual Depot Name in Consignment Status
This setting will show the Depot Name just under the Status within Portal Track & Trace but only when CN status = Arrived at Receiving Depot.
Prompt User To Confirm Debtor Notification Recipients
If any contacts are set in Accounts > Debtor > Locations and Contacts with the Email Option ‘Pickup Advice’ flagged, and they have been included in the Notifications list when creating a Pickup, then the Portal user will be prompted to confirm to send Pickup Advice emails to those contacts.
Create Consignments as Admin Status Validated
Skips the Admin Status ‘Ready For Validation’. If not enabled Consignments will be created in this status – some find this a useful step where each Consignment needs to be opened and checked before progressing.
Show Full Status History
Enables or disables a detailed list of events for a Consignment. This information will be presented within the Track & Trace screen against each Consignment.
Allow T&T Without Login
Allows Track & Trace to be viewed from the login page without the need to login. Users can enter a Consignment number directly to see its status.
Pallet Control
Users can enter the number and type of pallets involved. These settings enable or disable the input of the specific pallet types.
- Hide Chep
- Hide Loscam
- Hide Customer Own
Pallet Spaces per Detail Line
Enables or disables the entry of pallet spaces on each detail line.
Show Detail Line Item Qty Column
Enables or disables the entry of ‘Item Quantity’ for each detail line.
This is different to Detail Line ‘Quantity’. For example a quantity might be 4 rolls of carpet, while an item quantity might be 20 meters on the roll. Refer to Jaix Support for more information on Freight setup.
Cash Sale Accounts – Process Payment on Quote Approval
This setting is for Portal only and requires a payment gateway to be configured. When on if approving the quote in Portal it will direct to payment portal to take payment
Cutoff Time to Track Consignment (Hours)
Track & Trace for Consignments without a Portal Login will be available up to the number of hours after the Consignment has been delivered.
Quote Approval T&C (PDF)
Optional Terms & Conditions PDF file to attach to Quotes.
Portal URL
Web address of the login page for Portal.
Sender Email Address
Emails generated from Portal will have this set as their ‘Sender’.
Registration Request Email Address
If anyone presses the register to request an Online Account, an email will be sent to this address with the details they enter on the registration form.
Registration Form URL
If a URL is set here, the built-in registration form will be overridden. Anyone pressing the 'Register' link to request an Online Account will be sent to this URL instead.
Help Area URL
If a URL is set here, a Help item will be added to the logged in user’s menu. Clicking on that will send them to the URL entered.
Show ‘Dangerous Goods’ Prompt
Shows a tick box at the end of the Consignment that must be acknowledged before the Consignment can be saved. See also Debtor Online settings > Show Dangerous Goods.
Allow Create Consignment
Allows users to create a Consignment directly.
Allow Create Pickup
Allows users to create a Pickup directly.
Force Pickup On Release (1-2-1 Only)
If 1-2-1 is set globally in Jaix Freight, and Hold and Release is set on the Debtor, a Pickup will be created upon release of a consignment. See 'Use Hold Release' in the Debtor Specific Configuration section below.
Force Service Selection
Enable or disable the selection of which service is to be used on Consignments.
Portal Profile
All Portal Users will have access to the Profile page, which will allow entry and update of both Email and Mobile Number along with a Password Reset function.
The Portal Profile can be accessed via the link next to the Log Out button in the top right corner of the web browser.
Users can update their contact information, but also perform a Password Reset here.
Forgot Password
Portal Users are able to perform a Password Reset autonomously.
On the Portal Login page, select 'Forgot Password'.
Enter your email address associated with the Portal Account and click the 'Reset Password' button.
An email will be sent to that address that contains a link which will take you to the Reset Password page.
There is no requirement for the Old Password to be entered in this scenario.
Legacy Features
These options are for Legacy features which are no longer applicable.
Use Archive Message
Obsolete feature – no function behind flag
From Date and To Date
Obsolete feature – no function behind flag
Legacy Weblink URL
Obsolete feature – no function behind flag
Payment Gateway Settings
If a payment gateway is used for Debtors to make cash sales and pay via credit card, it can be configured here.
Payment Gateway
Select the Payment Gateway provider in which credit card payments will be processed. Currently only Braintree is supported - https://www.braintreepayments.com/au
Use Production Account
Most Payment Gateway providers will issue their users with a Sandbox (Test) Account and a Production (Live) Account. For Jaix Test environments use the “Testing” gateway account, so the flag will be unticked; but in live Jaix Production environments this will be ticked to use the “Production” gateway account.
Merchant ID
Enter the business’s Merchant ID with the Payment Gateway provider which serve as API Credentials for the Gateway.
Public Key
Enter the business’s Public Key with the Payment Gateway provider which serve as API Credentials for the Gateway.
Private Key
Enter the business’s Private Key with the Payment Gateway provider which serve as API Credentials for the Gateway.
Bank Account
Select the Bank Account that credit card payments should be allocated to. The selection list is populated from bank accounts set up in Accounts > General Ledger > Setup > Chart of Accounts > Balance Sheet Accounts > Current Assets
Available Consignment Label Templates
When a user places a Consignment, the opportunity to pre-print labels to attach to the items is given. If a custom label form has been designed, it can be made available to the user here.
Online Settings – WMS
Settings specific to WMS
Enable WMS
Enable or disable access to WMS functions via Portal completely
Remove Site Selection When Creating an Order
Enable or disable the user’s ability to choose which warehouse their order is created in
Debtor Specific Online Access Settings (Jaix Accounts)
Accounts > Debtors > Debtor Search & Setup > (open a Debtor) > Online Settings
Settings that apply to all users of a specific Debtor / Customer.
Debtor / Customer specific settings for Freight.
Allow Customer to Manage Products
Enable or disable the Manage Your Settings > Manage Products page in Portal.
This allows users to setup and edit pre-configured products with weight and dimensions (LWH) details for quick entry of frequently shipped items.
Allow PUP/CN/Docket Attachments
Enable or disable the user's ability to attach files to Consignments/Orders.
Debtor / Customer specific settings for Freight.
Use Rate Proposal Settings
If this is selected the following settings will be taken from the Debtor’s rate setup in Jaix Freight. If ticked the affected settings are not able to be changed within the Online Settings section.
Otherwise these can be set for the online users:
Force Senders Reference
Enable or disable mandatory entry of Senders Reference field in Consignments.
Allow Nil Weight
Enable or disable mandatory entry of weight in Consignments.
Allow Nil Cubic
Enable or disable mandatory entry of cubic in Consignments.
Force LWD
Enable or disable mandatory entry of LWD in Consignments.
Allow Public POD
Display POD images on Track & Trace without login.
CN Prefix & CN Next Number
Set optional prefix and next available number for all Portal created Consignments for this Debtor.
Pickup Prefix & Pickup Next Number
Set optional prefix and next available number for all Portal created Pickups for this Debtor.
Weight as KG
Enable weight entry in kilograms, otherwise metric tonnes will be used for this Debtor.
View PDA Attachments
Enable or disable showing of images gathered by mobile devices on Pickup/Delivery.
Default Delivery Req Time – Not Applicable
Defaults toggle on to hide the Delivery Required Time flag within the Delivery Details section.
Allow CN Format Selection
Portal users will be prompted to select the Consignment Format when Printing or Emailing from the Track & Trace screen. Can also set a default form.
Force Unit Selection
Enable or disable mandatory use of units in Consignments.
Hide Unit Groups
Enable or disable the unit grouping menu in Consignments. Units can be grouped by different types in Jaix Freight rate setup.
Consignment ETA and Map Tracking
Show Consignment ETA
Enable or disable showing the Consignment ETA based on Service Transit Times as set up in Jaix Freight. This is displayed on the Track & Trace list and at the top of Track Consignment pages in Portal.
Show Last Location Map
Enable or disable showing Consignments when they are on Trailer Loads on a real time map.
The three valid combinations are as below.
To display ETA from Service Transit Times with Trailer Loads disabled system wide:
Show Consignment ETA - enable
Show Last Location Map - disable
To display only Consignments' locations on a map when they are on Trailer Loads and Trailer Loads are enabled system-wide (no ETA):
Show Consignment ETA - disable
Show Last Location Map - enable
To display Consignments' ETA and locations on a map when they are on Trailer Loads and Trailer Loads are enabled system-wide:
Show Consignment ETA - enable
Show Last Location Map - enable
Show Dangerous Goods
Enable or disable the entry of a UN Number for dangerous goods on Consignment detail lines.
Show Contains Food
Enable or disable flagging a Consignment as containing perishable items.
Show Delivery Details
Enable or disable the Delivery Details section when creating a Quote/Pickup/Consignment or using Track & Trace. This function is only relevant where Jaix Admin > Tools > System Setup > Online > Online Settings > Hide Delivery Details is ticked. When “Hide Delivery Details” is unticked, Delivery Details are displayed irrespective of “Show Delivery Details” option in this Debtor Online Settings menu.
Force Site Details
Enable or disable mandatory selection of Branch.
Force Description
Enable or disable the mandatory entry of an item line description.
Show Additional References
Enable or disable the entry of additional tracking references by the user.
Use Hold Release
Enable or disable the Hold and Release workflow for users.
This optional workflow creates an additional step where any created Consignments are ‘held’ until the Portal user or a Jaix Freight user decides to release them. Eg. this is useful for creating multiple Consignments with the same Sender and then assigning them all to one common Pickup.
Use Despatch Date as Pickup Date
When Use Hold Release (above) is enabled, this option is able to be set.
When toggled on, and the consignment is released the Pickup Date will default to the Consignment Despatch Date Time.
If the Despatch Date Time is in the past, it will default to the Current Date Time.
If the Despatch Date is in the future, it will set Pickup Date to Despatch Date and set Pickup Time to 9:00AM.
CN Track/Trace – Show Full Status History
Same as the global setting ‘Show Full Status History’ but for individual Debtors.
The global setting must be enabled for this to be enabled.
Scanned Document (POD)
Controls the Portal user’s ability to see attached POD images.
- Full Access – All images are viewable.
- First Image Only – Only the first image can be viewed.
- No Access – No images can be seen.
Show Customer LH Full Loads as Departed Once Picked Up
When a Linehaul full load Consignment is marked ‘Departed Sender’, show Portal Customer ‘Departed’.
Debtor / Customer specific settings for WMS.
Auto Allocate Orders
Enable or disable automatic allocation. Once an order is saved, the system will attempt to auto-allocate stock based on the rules setup in WMS and if applicable the information in the Order.
Disallow Backorders
Enable or disable the creation of backorders where stock is not available for picking.
Debtor Specific Online User Settings (Jaix Accounts)
Accounts > Debtors > Debtor Search & Setup > (open a Debtor) > Online Logins
Setup of individual user logins for Debtors and settings specific to those single user’s logins.
Online Login Grid
The Grid view on this page gives an overview of the most common settings for each user entered into the system for the Debtor that is opened.
None of the details with a checkbox can be changed from this Grid view. To do that the individual login must be edited.
Add / Edit / Delete
A new user can be added, or an existing one edited, with the buttons along the top of the Grid. Double clicking on a row in the Grid will also open the existing login for editing.
Adding/Editing a User Login
Individual Login settings that apply to this user only.
This is a display name for the user. Enter their full name or nickname as desired.
Login Name
This is the name that is used to login to the Portal along with the password below.
Email Address
This email address must be unique and will allow Password Reset functionality.
Mobile Number
This mobile number will be used for Multi-Factor Authentication.
Password Reset
This will open a popup with a randomly generated password.
Force Password Reset will toggle on for this Online Login account and the Portal User will be forced to reset password on next login.
The icon to the right will copy the New Password to the clipboard for easy transfer.
User Freight Settings
Individual Freight settings that apply to this user only.
Create CN
Allow or disallow user to create Consignments.
Track & Trace CN
Allow or disallow the user to search Track & Trace of Consignments.
Create Pickup
Allow or disallow the user to create Pickups.
Track & Trace Pickups
Allow or disallow the user to search Track & Trace of Pickups.
Allow Invoice View
Allow or disallow the user to view Invoices.
Track & Trace Trailer Loads
Allow or disallow the user to search Track & Trace of Trailer Loads.
Display Prices
Allow or disallow the user to see prices on Quotes and Consignments.
Print Prices on CN
Allow or disallow the user to print prices on Consignments.
Allow Quotes
Allow or disallow the user to produce Full Quotes.
Allow Quick Quote
Allow or disallow the user to produce Quick Quotes.
Allow CN Number Entry & Force CN Number
Allow or disallow user to enter their own Consignment numbers. If allowed, the ‘Force CN Number’ option can be set to make the entry mandatory.
Show All GPS Positions
Shows all tracked Consignments on trailer loads on map. Only applicable with use of Linehaul Console and Integrated Telematics.
Activity Report
Allow or disallow the user to produce an activity report.
Disallow Access to User Defaults
Allow or disallow access to the Manage Your Settings > User Defaults menu for Freight. This allows several items to be set as default. Eg. Service, Charge To.
User WMS Settings
Individual WMS settings that apply to this user only.
Enable WMS
Enable or disable WMS functions for this user.
User Defaults
Allow or disallow access to the User Defaults menu for WMS. This allows several items to be set as default. Eg. Service, Site.
View Stock On Hand
Allows or disallows the user to view Stock on Hand information.
Enable SOH Breakdown
Allows or disallows the user to see detailed Stock on Hand information.
Track/Trace Movements
Allows or disallows the user to view the movements of Licence Plates in the warehouse.
Create Order
Allows or disallows the user to create an Order.
Print Rates
Allows or disallows the user to print the Debtor’s Rates.
View Invoice
Allows or disallows the user to view Invoices.
Sender Receiver Settings
Individual Sender and Receiver (frequent addresses) settings for this user.
Add Sender/Receiver
Allows or disallows the user to save new Sender/Receivers (frequently used addresses).
Manage Frequent Addresses
Allows the user to see a list of the Debtor’s Sender/Receivers (frequently used addresses) and edit them.
Disallow Sender/Receiver Lookup
Allows or disallows the lookup of Senders/Receivers (frequently used addresses)
Allowable Debtors (Jaix Accounts)
Accounts > Debtors > Debtor Search & Setup > (open a Debtor) > Allowable Debtors
Allowable Debtors allows multiple Debtor accounts to be added under a specific Debtor’s online settings. This allows a user to choose between different charge-to accounts when creating Pickups or Consignments. It also allows the user to view Consignment PODs for the accounts attached to the main account.
Main Options
These options apply to all of the Allowable Debtors set against the Debtor being edited.
Restrict Track/Trace & Activity to jobs Created By the Primary Debtor
This allows or disallows the user to search Track & Trace for their allowable Debtor's Consignments. If restricted they can still search for their own. See also settings against their login.
Restrict Invoice View to Jobs Charged to the Primary Debtor
This allows or disallows the user to search and view Invoices for their allowable Debtors. If restricted they can still search for their own. See also settings against their login.
Restrict Show Price to Jobs Charged to Primary Debtor
Allows or disallows the show price feature for Consignments other than their own.
Disallow Primary Debtor as Charge To
Allows or disallows the use of the user's own account as a charge to. This might be useful for example to create an in-house user who can book jobs for others, but who does not have their own account.
Allowable Debtors Grid View
This Grid shows a list of allowable Debtors (if any have been added).
The drop down search list allows new Debtors to be added to the Grid. Search for and tick any Debtors, then click ‘Add’. These will be added to the Grid. Click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Exit’ to commit the changes.
To remove a Debtor from the Grid, tick the box next to their name and click ‘Remove’ at the bottom. The ‘Select All’ and ‘Select None’ buttons can help with bulk selections.
Allowable Carriers (Jaix Accounts)
Accounts > Debtors > Debtor Search & Setup > (open a Debtor) > Allowable Carriers
Allowable Carriers allows multiple third-party carriers (subcontractors) to be added under a specific Debtor’s online settings. This allows a user to choose a carrier when creating Consignments.
Carriers available to this function are ones that have been enabled for Portal in their setup at: Jaix Accounts > Subcontractors > Find/Setup > (open a subcontractor) > Settings > Jaix Portal > Enable Carrier Selection in Portal.
Main Options
These options apply to all the Allowable Carriers in the Grid view of the Debtor being edited.
Enable Carrier Selection
Enables or disables the carrier selection function for the Debtor being edited.
Allowable Carriers Grid View
This Grid shows a list of allowable carriers (if any have been added).
The drop down search list allows new carriers to be added to the Grid. Search for and tick any carriers, then click ‘Add’. These will be added to the Grid. Click ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Exit’ to commit the changes.
To remove a carrier from the Grid, tick the box next to their name and click ‘Remove’ at the bottom. The ‘Select All’ and ‘Select None’ buttons can help with bulk selections.
Frequent Senders & Receivers (Jaix Accounts)
These two features allow adding, removing, and editing individual Debtor’s frequently used addresses in Portal.
Frequent Senders / Frequent Receivers Grid View
Users with appropriate permissions (see Online Account Configuration, Sender Receivers above) are also able to manage their frequently used addresses from within Portal.
Both the Senders and the Receivers Grid views work the same way:
Addresses from the global list can be searched for and added to the Debtor’s list.
The existing addresses can be searched, selected, and removed. To remove an address, tick the row in the Grid view and click remove.
Hint: Right click the Grid header and select ‘Show Auto Filter Row’ to search for items in a long list. See also document “General – Grids and Profiles” for more information.
Import Senders/Receivers (Jaix Accounts)
This feature allows a list of frequently used addresses used by a Debtor to be imported from a file.
Information able to be imported by this method is limited to:
- Sender Receiver Code
- Sender Receiver Name
- Type (Sender / Receiver / Both)
- Address 1
- Address 2
- Address 3
- Suburb
- Postcode
- State
- Country
If a more detailed data import is required – please contact Jaix Support.
Import Senders/Receivers
These options set the behaviours on how a Senders/Receiver Import file will be loaded into the Debtor’s Portal.
File Format
The file’s format is determined by an EDI ‘Senders/Receivers’ format. See the Document “General – EDI” for more information.
Import File
A Windows Explorer popup will appear which will allow the user to select the appropriate file to upload.
Import to Senders
Import data in the selected file to the Frequent Senders record only.
Import to Receivers
Import data in the selected file to the Frequent Receivers record only.