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Jaix Freight Uprating


This guide is to help JAIX user's uprate their Customer and Schedule rates. These instructions will cover the basic functionality along with helpful tips on notable settings and options.

The below steps are uprating procedures for clients that have "Allow Multiple Rate Proposals per Customer" Set in JF > Tools > System Setup > Consignments > Rate Proposal Settings. If this is not "ticked" please contact JAIX for further information on Uprating.

Customer Rates

Customers > Customer Rates > Uprate

  • Select Classifications or leave blank to list all customers
  • Select Accounts that require a rate increase – please note that you will need to complete the uprate in batches should the rate increase % vary by customer.
  • Leave From and To Blank if uprating ALL Lanes
  • Enter a Unit if only uprating a specific Unit else leave blank
  • Either select specific Service/s to uprate or select all.

  • Enter the % Amount or $ Amount depending on Uprate Type.
  • If a % or Amount is added to both the Main Rates and Lanes Rates for Basic & Minimum there will only increase where there is a Basic or Minimum set unless the "Add Amounts – Apply to $0 values" is selected.

  • Enter the Round Weight Prices and Round Unit Prices to decimal place required or Select Round Weight & Unit Break which rounds up to nearest 5 cents.
  • Enter the Effective form and to Dates.

Scheduling Uprates

You have the option to run the uprate immediately, however, if you would rather have the uprate operate outside business hours you can forward date the Schedule Date/Time and the Rates will not uprate until the set time. Note that no copies of the increased rates will be available to email out to customers until the uprate has run.

It is suggested that you select "New Proposal". This will create a new copy of the rates with the increases, leaving the old rates in use until the new Effective From date.

We also suggest "Activate New Proposals" is set, otherwise the increased rates will not be used until each proposal is opened and manually activated.

Schedule Rates

When uprating Schedules, if you require the "old" schedule to be kept for historical rating then we suggest the following procedure to be followed:

JAIX Freight > Customers > Schedule Rates > Search & Setup> Single mouse click to highlight on the first schedule you would like to uprate > Select "New"

Select "Proposal from Selected"

Select the Same Schedule Name:

The copied Schedule will open – change the effective from and to date to your new effective date, select save & exit

Select Refresh on the Rates Grid > There should now be two Schedules Same Name different effective from dates:

Go to Schedule Rates > Uprate > ensure you select your Schedule that has the new effective date and then continue the uprate as normal > once the uprated is completed you will need to go back into the schedule and activate the newly uprated schedule.

Once activated the System will use the old Rates for consignment dated prior to the uprate and new rates from the uprated date onwards.

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