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JAIX ADMIN Services - Standard Training Reference


This document contains reference material to be used in conjunction with the 'Admin Services' Standard Training Module. Admin Service is a central point to monitor and some degree manage EDIs, APIs, scheduled and triggered Emails and Reports, Invoices, Jobs, monitored folders (for imaging) and printing



The form of presentation of data across many JAIX functions. Please see Grids STM Reference for more detail


Electronic Document Interchange


File Transfer Protocol


Application Program Interface


JAIX functionality to scan images of paperwork and tie to corresponding digital records


JAIX module handling account level data and activities


JAIX TMS (Transport Management System) module


JAIX WMS (Warehouse Management System) module


A division or sub-company of your organisation


An organisation using JAIX software with files located (hosted) on JAIX servers

Task Scheduler

Admin > System > Service > Task Scheduler

Task Scheduler gives a centralised view of all existing schedules (created in relevant modules eg a Load report is scheduled in Freight) presented as a Grid. Various tasks and inquiries can be ran from the buttons above the grid (see below for detail on each). 'Scheduling Service Information' and 'Server Credentials' links your organisation to your relevant database etc. and these fields should essentially not be touched (if your organisation is running JAIX self-hosted then this would be setup by your company, likely only set once and then 'forgotten'). At the bottom of your screen there is a 'light' which will either be Green (service on) or red (service off), the light should obviously be Green as a rule, if this light were ever to go red please contact JAIX support desk for assistance. Reminder that the Grid data presented in these screens can be manipulated as with other Grids, please see Grids STM Reference for more detailed information

Open a schedule and alter it. A common reason to do this might be to restart a schedule in error. From here a schedule can also be switched between 'active' and 'inactive', dates and scheduled occurrence frequency can be changed as well as format and email recipients. Note to reactivate a schedule or clear an error will require updating the start date to a future date as a schedule cannot begin in the past.

Job History
Check the run history of a schedule. Note how the history grid that appears can also be manipulated as with other grids.

Run Schedule
Manually trigger the immediate running of a scheduled task. A common reason to do this might be to run a task after clearing an error that prevented it running successfully as per its schedule

Show Inactive
Quick filter button to show all schedules that are not currently active

Adhoc Daily Job Summaries
A summary of Daily Job Summaries created in Freight module (Freight > Distribution > Allocations)

Clear any filters and refresh data Grid

Email Queue / FTP Queue / API Queue

Jaix Admin > System > Service > Email Queue / FTP Queue / API Queue

These 'Queue' screens can be thought of as histories of particular times that schedules ran. All three tabs operate in very similar fashion with some difference in Grid data content in line with their inherent differences (such as emails containing subject titles and recipient email addresses). Behavior is very standard Grids with notable columns being the tick (Processed), triangle (on Hold), the circle cross (error), Retrys and Error Message see more below:
Processed: A file has been produced and send attempted
Hold: A file has been produced but is waiting for an event to send (such as wait til end of day to send a manifest)
Error: Can be a file in either Processed or Hold status, something has gone wrong, see Error Message for detail to help investigate and remedy.
Retrys: records how many times a message has been retriggered

FTP & API Sites

Jaix Admin > System > Service > FTP Sites / API Sites

FTP & API 'Sites' can be thought of as addresses where files will be sent to. On these tabs these Sites or 'addresses' can be created and maintained

Note: The API support in Jaix EDI is limited to being able to send data files to API end points. Jaix EDI is unable to consume or retrieve any data from external API sites.

FTP Site Setup. Note details will come from FTP destination

  • FTP Site Name: the name of the FTP record in JAIX
  • Inactive: Tick/untick toggle activation of the FTP
  • Server Address: the destination servers address
  • Port: which Port an FTP server is 'listening' to for connections. Where left empty JAIX will use defaults of FTP=22 and SFTP=23
  • User Name: set here and then sent with files to ensure file is from a trusted source
  • Password: set here and then sent with files to ensure file is from a trusted source
  • Disable Passive Mode: enables 'active' mode FTP
  • Folder /Path: the folder a file is being sent to on receiver end
  • Transfer Type: switch between FTP and SFTP (SSH FTP - Secure File Transfer Protocol)

Automation Settings

  • Automation Settings can be used to check an FTP site at intervals for files. This can be used to import files for EDI processing.
  • Enable Automatic Download: Tick this to enable the folder scanning feature
  • Interval: Set how often the Jaix Service will scan this folder for new files (Default is 30 minutes)
  • Save in Local Folder: If this FTP site is for EDI imports, set this to the monitored folder for EDI files. Eg. "E:\EDI Imports\To Import folder"
  • Extension Filter: Set this if you only wish to download files with a specific extension. Eg. ".csv"
  • File Exists: This option changes how the system will handle duplicate files. Either "Replace" or "Add Suffix".

**Always remember to click "Save" and not "Close" if you want your changes to persist**

API Sites, API End Points and API Function String Parameters

These functions allow the setup of an external API site to which EDI can export information. This allows the definition of particular endpoints within a site to target the export files.

There are four components to a complete API Site definition:

  • API Sites
  • API End Points
  • API Function String Parameters
  • EDI Data Format

Your API provider will supply you with the requirements and details of connection. Taking those details you can build the configuration for Jaix to send data to the API.

For example, your provider may want a JSON format file containing consignment status details sent to the following URL: '<consignment number>/status' via method 'Post'. Where they have specified '<consignment number>' they require the consignment number to be included.

  • In this example the '' part is the Primary URL – that is the part of the address to the API that is always the same.
  • The '<consignment number>/status' is the End Point Function String – the part of the address that gives the API instruction as to what to do with the data provided.
  • The Function String also contains a placeholder to be replaced with the actual consignment number.
  • The method 'Post' needs to be set in the API End Point's details.

Note that there are many ways to implement an API. The way Jaix builds a definition is flexible to allow you to create definitions for all the variations out there. That is why the components are separated like this. Note that some components can be used in multiple API Sites where they use the same setup.

To create a complete definition for this example you would:

  • First set up an EDI Data Format for the JSON file using the Format Builder at Jaix Admin > System > EDI Format Builder. See the 'JAIX EDI - Standard Training Reference' for more information of how to create a data format.
  • Then create any API Function String Parameters that may be required by the end point (also in the EDI Format Builder).
  • Then create any API End Points required, including placeholders in the function string, pointing to the API Function String Parameters and EDI Data Formats created above. In this example the Function String would be '{0}/status'. The zero in braces would be replaced by the consignment number as defined in the API Function String Parameters setup in the format above.
  • Finally create the API Site with the Primary URL and other access details.

Each component above can reference other components so it's important to create them in reverse order as above, so that they exist when you need to select them.

See below for the setup of each component.

Once the entire API Site is set up in Jaix Admin, you can assign it to a contact in Jaix Accounts, in a debtor, subcontractor, etc. See the 'JAIX EDI - Standard Training Reference' for more information on how to set up EDI exports to trigger on events.

Jaix Admin > System > API Sites

Enter each external server's access information here.

For example if you have been provided access to a site, add a new API Site. Then you must at least enter;

  • A Name to identify the site within the Jaix system.
  • The main part of the API server's web address into Primary URL.
  • Your login name & password.

'Email Alerts To' is optional.

Only enter an 'Access Key' if one has been provided to you from the API provider you obtained your credentials from.

'Account Number' and 'Use Production' are only for BaseCRM Integration.


Name to identify this site within Jaix.

Primary URL

The protocol and domain name of the API server. What to specify here should be supplied by the API provider. eg

Login Name and Password

Used to validate to destination address that the file being sent is trusted. Supplied by the API provider.

Email Alerts To

Optional, a notice of any errors/issues are sent to this email address.

Access Key

Often an extra security key is required for integration, enter additional access key or token here if applicable. Supplied by the API provider.

Account Number

Required for BaseCRM Integration only.

Use Production

Used for BaseCRM Integration. Switches between the Production API and Test API.

Jaix Admin > System > Service > API End Points

API end points are added to the site's Primary URL to more specifically direct EDI exports to various functions within their API. Details of these will be supplied by the API Provider.

For example your provider may want consignment notifications sent to '' and proof of delivery updates sent to ''. This means that  the Primary URL is '' , but there are two different endpoints for the different functions 'consignment/'' and 'pods/'.

NameName to identify this end point within Jaix.
TypeHTTP method to use to send information. This will be supplied by the API provider. The methods available are Head, Get, Post, Put and Delete.
DescriptionAdd a description to help yourself and others identify what this endpoint does.
Function StringThe actual end point to be appended to the Primary URL. Placeholders can be used to fill in details (eg consignment number) from an EDI Function String Format.
Data FormatThe EDI Data Format to send to the end point.
Data TypeThe EDI Data Type from which to select the Data Format. Note that JSON and XML are the most common and only ones provided here.
Function String FormatThe EDI Function String Format to use to insert data into placeholders in the Function String.

Placeholders in the Function String are represented by a number in braces (also known as curly brackets) eg the below will produce the end point '/post/ABC123/finish' if the String Parameter is set to insert the consignment number:

Jaix Admin > System > EDI Format Builder > API Function String Parameters

Function String Formats allow you to define data to be inserted into the end point part of the URL to the API. For example your API provider may require the consignment number to be part of the URL. To do this you would set the API End Point's Function String to include a placeholder. Then set the API End Point's 'Function String Format' to point to the Format you have created.

To make a new API Function String Parameter Format, create a new Format in the Format Builder, select Type: Export, give it a Format Name, choose the appropriate Data Type (eg Consignment or Docket), and FileFormat: 'APIFunctionStringParameters'.

Add a new line mapper, name it 'Default', tick 'Is Default', and map as many fields as required.

The 'Field No./Tag' number represents the placeholder this data will insert into the Function String. Note that the function string placeholders start at zero while the Field Mapping numbers start at one. So subtract 1 from the Field Mapping number to get the placeholder number.

See the 'JAIX EDI - Standard Training Reference' for more information of how to use the Line Mapper.

Service Log

Jaix Admin > System > Service > Service Log

The Service Log gives a detailed view of actions that the Service has handled. User selects by the Log Filter which area and date range to filter to. Observe below view on FTP is detailing actions that were processed for FTPs as opposed to the FTP Queue screen that detailed files sent

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