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EDI Imports - Notifications



JAIX will now provide EDI Import notifications for Consignments and Dockets at a Branch level. These notifications will be sent to the nominated email address and can be split by Branch but also Freight / Warehouse. EDI Imports will now also complete processing even when the file is only partially imported. If there is an error detected, JAIX will skip that record and continue to import. The notification email will contain details regarding all successful and failed imports.


Notification Email addresses must be set within JAIX Admin > Branches >

The Branch selected within the EDI Profile will decide where the notifications are sent.

Please confirm this by navigating to JAIX Admin > System > EDI Profiles >

Notification Emails can be accessed through JAIX Admin > System > Email Queue and searching for "Completed Importing" within the Email Subject Line


All EDI Imports will generate a notification email to the nominated email address. This will contain a full listing of every Consignment / Docket Imported along with any records that failed validation. JAIX will also include the reason for failed imports. The details provided are more comprehensive now, and will help both the End User and JAIX Support Staff diagnose and correct any issues.

Successful Imports:

Even a successful import will generate a notification email. These will provide details regarding the records imports, along with any pertinent notes.

Complete or Partially Failed Import:

EDI notifications for failed imports will contain red text, the reference number of the Consignment / Docket along with the error message generated from the EDI Module.

Users need only concern themselves with the first line of the error message. This will provide the field that failed validation. If it's not possible to diagnose the issue using the first line, the remaining error message will point JAIX Support Staff to the issue.

Please include the contents of error messages when requesting assistance from JAIX Support Services
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