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Daily Job Summary Report

v18.10, TFS6367 


The daily job summary is a customisable report that can be distributed to debtors with a summary of job, consignment and pickup details associated to that particular debtor, and can be setup up to be sent out automatically.


JAIX Freight > Tools > Form Manager > Manifest

Under the Manifest grouping on the menu on the left, will have the default Customer Job Summary form. To edit, click on the desired form to highlight, and select 'Design' from the ribbon on the top of the screen.

Through the form designer users can edit the form to display the layout and information that is required. It is recommended that once finished making changes to a form, and proceeding to save, to select 'Save as Copy' with a clearly marked title, should the original (and unchanged) version ever be required (as shown below).

Form Selection and Automatic Run Setup

JAIX Freight > Tools > System Setup > Despatch > General Settings

In the general settings window, there are two options to setup the sending out of the daily summaries. First select the 'Send Daily Summaries' flag to turn on. The time the user wishes to send the report out daily will need to be adjusted in the window beside the flag. The option below this, requires users to select the format for the daily summary to be sent out. Any forms created/edited in the form designer will be listed here.

Once setup as required, select save and exit from the ribbon in the top left of screen.

Debtor Setup

JAIX Accounts > Debtors > Main (Search & Setup)

Once selecting a debtor (by double-clicking on a debtor), select 'Locations & Contacts' on the menu on the left hand side of screen. A contact is required for the debtor to receive the Job Summary that is sent out from Freight. In the 'Contacts' (the lower window of screen), 'Add' to create a new contact, or double click on an existing contact to open. Enter the necessary details for the person receiving the summary, but an email address, and the 'Email Options – Daily Job Summary' are a requirement for the daily job summary to send out correctly (shown below). Users can also select a particular format to be used for the debtor by selecting a daily summary format which will be used for this specific debtor.

Once the information is entered, and the necessary email options selected, click 'OK', and 'Save and Exit' to confirm the updated changes.

Running the Report:

There are two options for running the Daily Job Summary report. The first is the automatic distribution setup earlier in system setup to be sent out to all debtors with the daily job summary flag selected, at the daily time setup in the setting.

JAIX Freight > Distribution > Despatch (Allocations)

The second option is to send out an Ad-hoc Daily Job Summary through the allocations screen. While on the 'Despatch' view of the allocations screen, select 'Functions', and then 'Send Daily Job Summary' to send out an ad-hoc summary at any point in time.

Once Send Daily Job Summary is selected a menu will display whereby users can select which debtors they would like to send the summary to.

Select the debtor/debtors and click OK. This will now be added to the process queue, while the automated process will still run as normal at the pre-set time.

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