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Agent Distribution Manifest (ADM)

ADMs are a special kind of manifest that allow job-lots of consignments to be handed to a subcontractor so that they can transport the freight for a leg of the journey.
For example a subcontractor may be contracted to pick up freight (Pre-forwarder), move fright between depots (Local subcontractor), or from a depot directly to receivers (On-forwarder).
They also allow some automation regarding ADM creation and calculating payments made to subcontractors for their work, as well as production of RCTIs to be issued to the subcontractor.

Process Outline

Information to automatically fill in an ADM is sourced from details entered into the consignments that will be listed on the ADM.
The basic workflow is:

  • Create consignments, using a depot to go via (Via) against the sender or receiver.
  • Allocate a subcontractor in the Pre-Forwarder, Local Subcontractor or On-Forwarder fields of the consignments. (Note that a Via is required on the sender or receiver to unlock the Pre-forwarder or On-forwarder respectively.)
  • Manifest the consignments to a Linehaul Manifest.
  • Create one or more ADMs from the Linehaul Manifest – one for each subcontractor.

When an ADM is created from a manifest, the user can select which of the subcontractors to create the ADM for.

Creating Consignments with Subcontractors

Subcontractors are added in three possible places on a consignment. As per the definitions mentioned above:

  • Pre-Forwarder
  • Subcontractor
  • On-Forwarder

A consignment with no valid Via will only have the Subcontractor field available to add a Local Subcontractor to.

If a valid Via is set against the sender's zone or the receiver's zone, the Pre-Forwarder or On-Forwarder fields will become available.
Once the Sender, Receiver, Charge To and detail lines are entered, clicking on the magnifying glass icon next to the subcontractor will show subcontractors where rates have been set up (see Subcontractor Rates Setup elsewhere in this document).
A subcontractor can be selected from this list and the Update button clicked. This will load that subcontractor into the consignment with the pre-calculated rates.
Alternatively the Subcontractor can be chosen from a list using the field directly. If rates exist for this subcontractor the rate will be automatically be added. Otherwise it will be left at zero. In either case the rate can be manually overridden. Note that fuel levy for the Subcontractor will be included in automatically calculated rates. A manually entered value will be considered to include the fuel levy, but this will not be split out when posting to accounts.

When entering the consignment's detail lines, the Unit entered is used to attempt to match to units in the subcontractors rates. If a match is found, the "Unit Match" field in the Carrier Rates window will show the number of matched rates found.
In the below case two subcontractors have been found with rates containing the unit "Pallet" and the appropriate lanes to perform the journey. It has then priced the work (at $54 including $4 of FL).

If no units match the "Unit Match" field will show zero.
In the below case there are no units named "Carton" in the subcontractor's rates, but there are lanes to perform the journey so this has then rated on weight as a fallback (at $10.80 including 80c of FL).

The Dollars Sign Icon will switch the Detail Lines Grid between Normal View and Carrier View. When in Carrier View a different set of columns can be seen. For example the column 'Carrier Unit' can be added, which shows what units the subcontractor's rates use. This can be useful where the Sender's Rate Card has different units and the system is unable to match to the same units on the Subcontractor's Rate Card (see Subcontractor Rate Setup elsewhere in this document).

Linehaul Manifest

Once created, the consignments can be manifested for linehaul as usual by placing them on a Linehaul Manifest. This manifest's journey should match the consignment's Via Depot. For example if the subcontractors are to pick up the consignments from Adelaide Depot, then the destination of the manifest needs to be Adelaide Depot.
Note a "local" linehaul manifest needs to be created where there is no actual linehaul involved. Eg From Adelaide To Adelaide, for consignments that are to be handed to a Local Subcontractor, or for an On-Forwarder to carry the freight to receivers for delivery.

Create ADM(s)

Once the Linehaul manifest is created, the 'A.D.M'. button can be pressed to create ADMs. In this example there's a consignment to be on forwarded to Roxby Downs and another to be on forwarded to Port Lincoln.

This will open a new ADM with some of the details populated.

The Fleet Name field contains a selection of the subcontractors on the consignments on the linehaul manifest. Selecting one will add the appropriate consignments to the ADM.

These can be saved, and the ADM button pressed additional times to create other ADMs for any more subcontractors involved in the consignments on the linehaul manifest.

Once the ADMs are created, the linehaul manifest they were created from now shows an ADM stamp on its header. When clicked this will show a list of the ADMs that can be opened (or if there's only one it will directly open that).
Also note that the subcontractors' costs are now showing on the linehaul manifest in the Load Analysis area on the right.

The individual subcontractor's costs show on the ADMs in the Load Analysis area.

From this point, using the Print button, an ADM and RCTI can be made for the subcontractor.
If the subcontractor is set up for EDI, they will be sent the details electronically once the ADM is saved. See the "EDI" section in this document.
The ADMs will be picked up for processing during the next Manifest Process, providing they and the linehaul manifest they are on are all released for processing. After this point all costs will be posted to the subcontractor's accounts.

Customer Setup

Because subcontractor rates can be automatically matched based on the units used in consignments, it is helpful if the unit names in your customers' rates / schedules are the same as in the subcontractors' rates. This is not mandatory, as the units the subcontractor uses can be manually overridden on the consignment.

Subcontractor Setup

Each subcontractor you intend to use with ADMs will need to be configured as RCTI and 'Via ADM' in Accounts.
Accounts > Subcontractors > (Open your subcontractor) > Settings> Subcontractor Settings > Tick 'RCTI'> CN Forwarding Payment Settings > select 'Via ADM'

Subcontractor Fuel Levy Rate

The Fuel Levy for the subcontractor can be automatically calculated on the consignment. The rate is either sourced from the global setting for subcontractors, or can be set per subcontractor.

If Global:

Accounts > Tools > System Setup > Statutory Charges > Select "Fuel Levy" > Edit button at top of list > Subcontractor Button at bottom of window.

If Varied by Subcontractor:

Accounts > Subcontractors > Open your subcontractor > Stat Charges > Select "Fuel Levy" > Edit button at top of list

Subcontractor Rates Setup

Subcontractor rates are setup in a similar way as Customer Rates (Also known as 'Charge To'). This document will only cover the essentials that need to be setup. Please refer to your initial customer rates training for more details.
The Subcontractor rates are located at:
Jaix Freight > Fleet > Subcontractor Rates
They are listed by subcontractor. Normally all subcontractors have their own rates, however if some all use the same rates, using the "Equivalent To" field to point at another rate card will use those rates instead.
At the very least, each subcontractor needs a rate card that has the following four things setup:

  • A rate card that is activated and approved.
  • Appropriate Effective From and To Date range.

  • Breaks for Weights and/or Units.

For example this is a simple setup with just a Pallet unit.

  • Lanes added for each service, with the prices for each lane on weight and units as needed.

For example this is a set of lanes all using the GEN service with prices for Weight and the Pallet Unit. With all the legs needed for Melbourne to Roxby Downs and Port Lincoln, Via Adelaide. Note that only the lanes for the subcontractor's leg from Adelaide is required.


Subcontractors can be configured to receive a list of consignments when they are manifested. This can either be soon after manifesting, or in batches after a particular time.
These can be delivered to an email address or to an FTP site.


Accounts > Subcontractors > Open your subcontractor > Settings > EDI
Tick 'Export Manifested Consignments'
Select the desired Delivery Method – either Email or FTP (see below)
Manifest Format and RCTI Format allows a custom file to be delivered instead of the system default. This is a choice of forms from "Freight > Tools > Form Manager > Runsheet".
If "Only Export After" is left empty, an export will be triggered soon after the ADMs are created.
If a time is entered in "Only Export After" soon after that time, a summary of all the previous 24 hours of ADMs for this subcontractor will be exported. Note any changes made to ADMs will not be exported until the next export after time. So if the depot makes changes after, these should be manually communicated to the subcontractor.
Remember to save the Subcontractor's record.

Email Delivery

The recipients for emails are configured in each subcontractor's 'Locations & Contacts'
Accounts > Subcontractors > Open your subcontractor > Settings > Locations & Contacts
Add a contact, or edit an existing one.
Enter a First Name & Last Name.
Make sure that they are Contact Type "Email"
They have a valid email address in "Email". Note only one email address can be added per contact. If more email recipients are required, add more contacts.
Tick "Consignment Export (EDI)" (Also consider if 'Manifest RCTI.SPA Export (EDI)' is required.)
Do not alter the "EDI Export Settings" on the right-hand panel. These only apply to Ex-Warehouse consignments and are not to do with ADMs.
Click OK and Save the Subcontractor's record.

FTP Delivery

To select an FTP site to deliver to, a site must be setup in Jaix Admin.
Jaix Admin > FTP Sites > New
The "FTP Site Name" field what will appear in Accounts above when the deliver method is chosen.
For all other fields, the FTP server's provider will be able to tell you what to configure here.

Zone Setup – Via

Having a depot for the subcontractor to go via (Via) on the zone is key to the whole ADM process. Zones with Via Depots are the points that the subcontractor takes the freight from and/or to.
In order for a sender or receiver to be assigned a Via, the zone that they are in needs to have a Via Depot set against it.
See other documentation regarding Zone Setup for details of configuring Zone Sets, but in general the Via needs to be added to each zone as required here:
Freight > Depots and Zones > Zone Sets > (open your zone set) > Zones in the Zone Set are displayed > (open the Zone) > Tick one or more Via Depots as required.
Note if more than one Via Depot is assigned to a Zone, where the Via is displayed in the consignment, the user will be able to choose which Via to use when entering the sender/receivers' addresses.

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