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Ability to Move Scans to Another Imaging Folder

v20.16, MDS-42 


JAIX' Imaging module will now allow a Drag and Drop function to transfer Images from one Scan Folder to another. Performing this action will process the image again, populating the reference field and linking to a JAIX record based on the new Parent Imaging Folder - Record Type.


JAIX Freight/WMS/Accounts > Tools > Imaging 

Scans within an Imaging Folder can either be individually clicked and dragged to another Scan Folder, or a selection of images can be made by holding CTRL and clicking each individual image or holding SHIFT to select a range of images.

Once the selection has been made, click and drag to another Scan Folder to move images. 

All Images moved will be reprocessed through the JAIX Scan Service - destination imaging folder. This includes any Scan Folder Settings, and Custom Scan Templates.

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